
Our scientific publications



Scientific documentation and validation of treatment effects, cost-effectiveness, budget-impact etc. is crucial for implementing innovative medical technologies. We work together to publish our scientific evidence on the highest academic level in clinical and health economic journals and forums.



Olesen R, Larsen E, Birch C R, Ehlers L H. Kortlægning af anbefalede Avancerede Terapier (ATMP’er) i Danmark, Norge, Sverige og England (2024). Nordic Institute of Health Economics (NIHE).

Marks, KP, Aalders, J, Liu, S, Broadley, M, Thastum, M, Jensen, MB, Ibfelt, EH, Birkebæk, NH & Pouwer, F 2024, 'Associations between disordered eating behaviors and HbA1c in young people with type 1 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis', Current Diabetes Reviews, issue 20 nr. 4.

Jørgensen EP, Muttuvelu DV, Peto T, Natarajan S, Davies J, Keane PA, Ehlers LH. Implementing teleophthalmology services to improve cost-effectiveness of the national eye care system. Eye (Lond). 2024 Jun 4. doi: 10.1038/s41433-024-03156-4. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38834842.

Slot, M., Rasmussen, T.B., Nørgaard, M. et al. Evaluating Cost-Effectiveness of Antiretroviral Therapy over Time: A Cohort and Cost-Effectiveness Study. PharmacoEconomics Open (2024).


AndreasenJ, Larsen JJ, Ehlers LH. Is Point-of-Care Testing in Emergency DepartmentsCost-Effective? A Systematic Literature Review. ISPOR Europe 2023, Copenhagen,Denmark. Value in Health, Volume 26, Issue 11, S2 (December 2023). CODE:

Ehlers LH, Birch C. Is It Possible to Estimate the Welfare Economic Lossto Societyof Not Having Value-Based Differential Pricing for Multi-IndicationPharmaceuticals: An Empirical Analysis in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. ISPOREurope 2023, Copenhagen, DenmarkValue in Health, Volume 26, Issue 11, S2(December 2023). CODE: PT23.

Laursen HVB, Jørgensen EP, Vestergaard P, Ehlers LH. A Systematic Review of Cost-EffectivenessStudies of Newer Non-Insulin Antidiabetic Drugs: Trends in Decision-AnalyticalModels for Modelling of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.41, 1469–1514 (2023).

Børty L, Brøndum RF, Christensen HS, Vesteghem C, Severinsen M, Johnsen SP,Ehlers LH, Falkmer U, Poulsen LØ, Bøgsted M, Trends and drivers ofpharmaceutical expenditures from systemic anti-cancer therapy. Eur J HealthEcon 24, 853-865 (2023).

Baek OD, Hjermitslev CK, Dyreborg L, Baunwall SMD, Høyer KL, Rågård N, HammekenLH, Povlsen JV, Ehlers LH, & Hvas CL,. Early Economic Assessment of FaecalMicrobiota Transplantation for Patients with Urinary Tract Infections Caused byMultidrug-Resistant Organisms. Infectious Diseases and Therapy. (2023)

‍HvidbergMF, Petersen KD, Davidsen M, Witt Udsen F, Frølich A, Ehlers LH, & AlavaMH,. Catalog of EQ-5D-3L Health-Related Quality-of-Life Scores for 199 ChronicConditions and Health Risks in Denmark. MDM policy & practice, 8(1).

Jacob J, Biering-Sørensen T, Ehlers LH, Edwards CH, Mohn KG, Nilsson A,Hjelmgren J, Ma W, Sharma Y, Ciglia E & Mould-Quevedo J. (2023).Cost-Effectiveness of Vaccination of Older Adults with an MF59®-AdjuvantedQuadrivalent Influenza Vaccine Compared to Standard-Dose and High-Dose Vaccinesin Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Vaccines, 11(4), 753.

Jensen MB,Jensen CE, Gudex C, Pedersen KM, Sørensen SS, Ehlers LH. Danish populationhealth measured by the EQ-5D-5L. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.2023;51(2):241-249.

‍Theilgaard-MönchK, Ehlers LH. Dose-reduction trials in oncology — aiming for less toxicity andbetter quality of life at lower costs. Nat Rev Clin Oncol (2023).

‍RielH, Vicenzino B, Olesen Jensen MB, Ehlers LH, Rathleff S,. Does a corticosteroidinjection plus exercise or exercise alone add to the effect of patient adviceand a heel cup for patients with plantar fasciopathy? A randomised clinicaltrialBritish Journal of Sports Medicine 2023;57:1180-1186.‍

Børty L, Brøndum RF, Christensen HS, Vesteghem C, Severinsen M, Johnsen SP,Ehlers LH, Falkmer U, Poulsen LØ, Bøgsted M, Trends and drivers ofpharmaceutical expenditures from systemic anti-cancer therapy. Eur J HealthEcon 24, 853-865 (2023).

Baek OD, Hjermitslev CK, Dyreborg L, Baunwall SMD, Høyer KL, Rågård N, HammekenLH, Povlsen JV, Ehlers LH, & Hvas CL,. Early Economic Assessment of FaecalMicrobiota Transplantation for Patients with Urinary Tract Infections Caused byMultidrug-Resistant Organisms. Infectious Diseases and Therapy. (2023)

HvidbergMF, Petersen KD, Davidsen M, Witt Udsen F, Frølich A, Ehlers LH, & AlavaMH,. Catalog of EQ-5D-3L Health-Related Quality-of-Life Scores for 199 ChronicConditions and Health Risks in Denmark. MDM policy & practice, 8(1).

Jacob J, Biering-Sørensen T, Ehlers LH, Edwards CH, Mohn KG, Nilsson A,Hjelmgren J, Ma W, Sharma Y, Ciglia E & Mould-Quevedo J. (2023).Cost-Effectiveness of Vaccination of Older Adults with an MF59®-AdjuvantedQuadrivalent Influenza Vaccine Compared to Standard-Dose and High-Dose Vaccinesin Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Vaccines, 11(4), 753.

Jensen MB,Jensen CE, Gudex C, Pedersen KM, Sørensen SS, Ehlers LH. Danish populationhealth measured by the EQ-5D-5L. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.2023;51(2):241-249.

‍Theilgaard-MönchK, Ehlers LH. Dose-reduction trials in oncology — aiming for less toxicity andbetter quality of life at lower costs. Nat Rev Clin Oncol (2023).

‍Riel H, VicenzinoB, Olesen Jensen MB, Ehlers LH, Rathleff S,. Does a corticosteroid injectionplus exercise or exercise alone add to the effect of patient advice and a heelcup for patients with plantar fasciopathy? A randomised clinical trialBritishJournal of Sports Medicine 2023;57:1180-1186.

Børty L, Brøndum RF, Christensen HS, Vesteghem C, Severinsen M,Johnsen SP, Ehlers LH, Falkmer U, Poulsen LØ, Bøgsted M, Trends and drivers ofpharmaceutical expenditures from systemic anti-cancer therapy. Eur J HealthEcon 24, 853-865 (2023).

Baek OD, Hjermitslev CK, Dyreborg L, Baunwall SMD, Høyer KL, Rågård N, HammekenLH, Povlsen JV, Ehlers LH, & Hvas CL,. Early Economic Assessment of FaecalMicrobiota Transplantation for Patients with Urinary Tract Infections Caused byMultidrug-Resistant Organisms. Infectious Diseases and Therapy. (2023)

‍HvidbergMF, Petersen KD, Davidsen M, Witt Udsen F, Frølich A, Ehlers LH, & AlavaMH,. Catalog of EQ-5D-3L Health-Related Quality-of-Life Scores for 199 ChronicConditions and Health Risks in Denmark. MDM policy & practice, 8(1).

Jacob J, Biering-Sørensen T, Ehlers LH, Edwards CH, Mohn KG, Nilsson A,Hjelmgren J, Ma W, Sharma Y, Ciglia E & Mould-Quevedo J. (2023).Cost-Effectiveness of Vaccination of Older Adults with an MF59®-AdjuvantedQuadrivalent Influenza Vaccine Compared to Standard-Dose and High-Dose Vaccinesin Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Vaccines, 11(4), 753.

Jensen MB,Jensen CE, Gudex C, Pedersen KM, Sørensen SS, Ehlers LH. Danish populationhealth measured by the EQ-5D-5L. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.2023;51(2):241-249.

‍Theilgaard-MönchK, Ehlers LH. Dose-reduction trials in oncology — aiming for less toxicity andbetter quality of life at lower costs. Nat Rev Clin Oncol (2023).

‍Riel H, VicenzinoB, Olesen Jensen MB, Ehlers LH, Rathleff S,. Does a corticosteroid injectionplus exercise or exercise alone add to the effect of patient advice and a heelcup for patients with plantar fasciopathy? A randomised clinical trialBritishJournal of Sports Medicine 2023;57:1180-1186.‍

Marks, KP, Birkebæk, NH, Pouwer, F, Ibfelt, EH, Thastum, M & Jensen, MB2023, 'Adherence in Diabetes Questionnaire (ADQ) score as predictor of 11-yearHbA1c trajectories in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: Apopulation-based longitudinal study', Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice,issue 197, 110558.

Marks, KP, Pouwer, F, Jensen, MB, Ibfelt, EH, Kristensen, LJ, Thastum, M &Birkebæk, NH 2023, 'Responses to the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnairepredict HbA1c trajectories in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: apopulation-based study', BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care, issue 11, nr.6, e003479.

Marks, KP, Birkebæk, N, Pouwer, F, Ibfelt, EH, Thastum, M & Jensen, MB2022, 'Caregiver-report Adherence in Diabetes Questionnaire is predictive of10-year HbA1c trajectories in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: Apopulation-based study', Diabetologia, bind 65, nr. Suppl 1, 170, s. S89.


Slot, M., Niemann, C. U., Risor, B. W., Ehlers, L. H., & Rotbain, E. (2022). Cost-Utility of Venetoclax Plus Obinutuzumab for Treatment-Naive Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia without Del17p/TP53-Mutation Compared to Chlorambucil Plus Obinutuzumab. Blood, 140(Suppl. 1), 2163-2164. [902].

H, Laursen., E. P. Jørgensen., P. Vestergaard., L. H. Ehlers., (2022). EE200 A SystematicReview of Cost-Effectiveness Studies of Newer Non-Insulin Antidiabetic Drugs (NNIADS):Trends in Decision-Analytical Models (DAM) for Modelling of Type 2 DiabetesMellitus (T2DM). Value in Health 25(12)

Ehlers, L. H., Lamotte, M., Ramos, M. C., Sandgaard, S., Holmgaard, P., Kristensen, M. M., & Ejskjaer, N. (2022). The Cost-Effectiveness of Subcutaneous Semaglutide Versus Empagliflozin in Type 2 Diabetes Uncontrolled on Metformin Alone in Denmark. Diabetes therapy : research, treatment and education of diabetes and related disorders, 13(3), 489–503.

Børty, L., Brøndum, R. F., Christensen, H. S.,Vesteghem, C., Severinsen, M., Johnsen, S. P., Ehlers, L. H., Falkmer, U.,Poulsen, L. Ø., & Bøgsted, M. (2022). Trends and drivers of pharmaceutical expenditures fromsystemic anti-cancer therapy. The European journal of health economics : HEPAC : health economics inprevention and care. 10.1007/s10198-022-01515-0. Advanceonline publication.

Riel, H., Vicenzino, B., Olesen, J. L., Jensen, M. B., Ehlers, L. H., & Rathleff, M. S. (2020). Corticosteroid injection plus exercise versus exercise, beyond advice and a heel cup for patients with plantar fasciopathy: protocol for a randomised clinical superiority trial (the FIX-Heel trial). Trials, 21(1), 5.

Thomsen, R. W., Christensen, L. W. B., Kahlert, J., Knudsen, J. S., Ustyugova, A., Sandgaard, S., Holmgaard, P., Ehlers, L. H., & Sørensen, H. T. (2022). Healthcare Resource Utilization and Costs for Empagliflozin Versus Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists in Routine Clinical Care in Denmark. Diabetes therapy : research, treatment and education of diabetes and related disorders, 13(11-12), 1891–1906.

Ehlers, L. H., Jensen, M. B., & Schack, H. (2022). Competitive tenders on analogue hospital pharmaceuticals in Denmark 2017-2020. Journal of pharmaceutical policy and practice, 15(1), 69.

Andersen, C.Ø., Travis, H., Dehlholm-Lambertsen, E. Russell, R., and Jørgensen, E.P.. The Cost of Flexible Bronchoscopes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. PharmacoEconomics Open 6, 787–797 (2022).

Mathiasen K, Andersen TE, Lichtenstein MB, Ehlers LH, Riper H, Kleiboer A, Roessler KK.. The Clinical Effectiveness of Blended Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Compared With Face-to-Face Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adult Depression: Randomized Controlled Noninferiority TrialJ Med Internet Res 2022;24(9):e36577f

Nørskov S, Damholdt MF, Ulhøi JP, Jensen MB, Mathiasen MK,Ess CM et al. Employers’ andapplicants’ fairness perceptions in job interviews: Using a teleoperated robotas a fair proxy. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.2022;179:121641. doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2022.121641

Raunbak, S.M., Sørensen, A.S., Hansen, L., Skjøth, F., Larsen, B.T., Ehlers, L.H.Cost Effectiveness of Patient Self-Managed Warfarin Compared with Direct Oral Anticoagulants in Atrial Fibrillation: An Economic Evaluation in a Danish Healthcare Sector Setting. PharmacoEconomics Open6, 483–494 (2022).

Langergaard, A., Mathiasen, K., Søndergaard, J., Sørensen, S.S., Laursen, S.L., Xylander, A.A.P., Lichtenstein, M.B., Ehlers, L.H., (2022) Economic evaluation alongside a randomized controlled trial of blended cognitive-behavioral therapy for patients suffering from major depressive disorder. Internet Interventions.

Lyng, K., Larsen, J., Birnie, K., Stinson, J., Hoegh, M., Palsson, T., Olesen, A., Arendt-Nielsen, L., Ehlers, L., Fonager, K., Jensen, M., Würtzen, H., Poulin, P., Handberg, G., Ziegler, C., Møller, L., Olsen, J., Heise, L. & Rathleff, M. (2022). Participatory research: a Priority Setting Partnership for chronic musculoskeletal pain in Denmark. Scandinavian Journal of Pain.

Børty, L., Brøndum, R.F., Christensen, H.S., Vesteghem, C., Severinsen, M., Johnsen, S.P., Ehlers, L.H., Falkmer, U., Poulsen, L.Ø., amd Bøgsted, M. Trends and drivers of pharmaceutical expenditures from systemic anti-cancer therapy. European Journal of Health Economics 2022). TN, Hougaard E, Jensen MB, Thastum M. Diagnosis-Specific Group CBT TreatingSocial Anxiety in Adolescents: A Feasibility Study. Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology. 2022 jan.;10(1):89-101. doi:10.2478/sjcapp-2022-0010

Johnsen DB, Lomholt JJ, Heyne D, Jeppesen P, Jensen MB, Silverman WK et al. Sociodemographicand clinical characteristics of youths and parents seeking psychologicaltreatment for school attendance problems. PLOS ONE. 2022 jan.;17(1):e0261449.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0261449

Ehlers LH, Lamotte M, Ramos MC, Sandgaard S, Holmgaard P, Frary EC o.a. The cost-effectiveness of oral semaglutide versus empagliflozin in Type 2 diabetes in Denmark. Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research. 2022 jan;11(1):29-37.

Ehlers, L.H., Lamotte, M., Ramos, M.C., Sandgaard, S., Holmgaard, P., Kristensen, M.M., Ejskjaer, N. The Cost-Effectiveness of Subcutaneous Semaglutide Versus Empagliflozin in Type 2 Diabetes Uncontrolled on Metformin Alone in Denmark. Diabetes Ther 13, 489–503 (2022).

Hammeken LH, Baunwall SMD, Dahlerup JF, Hvas CL, Ehlers LH. Health-related quality of life in patients with recurrent Clostridioides difficile infections. Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology 2022:1-8. doi: 10.1177/17562848221078441
Jensen MB, Jensen CE, Gudex C, Pedersen KM, Sørensen SS, Ehlers LH. Danish population health measured by the EQ-5D-5L. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. 2021 nov 30.

Larsen J, Birnie K, Stinson J, Hoegh M, Olesen AE, Arendt-Nielsen L, L Ehlers LH et al. Participatory Research: A Priority Setting Partnership for Chronic Musculoskletal Pain in Denmark. medRxiv 2021. doi:

Ehlers LH. Debat: Vi har afsat 4 milliarder til COVID-19 uden en strategi for, hvordan vi får mest for pengene. Dagens Medicin. 2021 sep 22.

Brøndum RF, Vestergaard AS, Børty L, Vesteghem C, Rytter AS, Nielsen MM o.a. Direct costs of antineoplastic and supportive treatment for progressive multiple myeloma in a tax-based health system. Future Oncology. 2021 sep;17(25):3331-3341.

Hammeken LH, Baunwall SMD, Hvas CL, Ehlers LH. Health economic evaluations comparing faecal microbiota transplantation with antibiotics for treatment of recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection: a systematic review. Health EconomicsReview. 2021 jan 13;11(1).

Laursen SL, Helweg-Jørgensen S, Langergaard A, Søndergaard J, Sørensen SS, Mathiasen K o.a. Mobile Diary App Versus Paper-Based Diary Cards for Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder: Economic Evaluation. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2021 nov 11;23(11). e28874.

Ehlers LH, Lamotte M, Monteiro S, Sandgaard S, Holmgaard P, Frary EC o.a. The Cost-Effectiveness of Empagliflozin Versus Liraglutide Treatment in People with Type 2 Diabetes and Established Cardiovascular Disease. Diabetes Therapy. 2021 maj;12(5):1523-1534.

hMarks, KP, Thastum, M, Jensen, MB, Kristensen, LJ, Mose, AH, Pouwer, F & Birkebæk, NH 2021, 'Overeating, binge eating, quality of life, emotional difficulties, and HbA1c in adolescents with type 1 diabetes: a Danish national survey', Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, bind 182, 109150.

Liengaard, BD, Sharma, PN, Hult, GTM, Jensen, MB, Sarstedt, M, Hair, JF & Ringle, CM 2021, 'Prediction: Coveted, Yet Forsaken? Introducing a Cross-Validated Predictive Ability Test in Partial Least Squares Path Modeling', Decision Sciences, bind 52, nr. 2, s. 362-392.

Jensen CE, Sørensen SS, Gudex C, Jensen MB, Pedersen KM, Ehlers LH. The Danish EQ-5D-5L Value Set: A Hybrid Model Using cTTO and DCE Data. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy. 2021 jul;19(4):579-591.


Travis HS, Larsen S, Russell RV, Ehlers LH. A cost-utility analysis comparing the total cost of reusable duodenoscopes to single-use duodenoscopes. United European Gastroenterology Journal. 2020 okt;8(Suppl. 8):876-876. P1483.

Hvidberg MF, Johnsen SP, Davidsen M, Ehlers L. A Nationwide Study of Prevalence Rates and Characteristics of 199 Chronic Conditions in Denmark. PharmacoEconomics - Open. 2020 jun1;4(2):361-380.

Mouritsen JM, Ehlers LH, Kovaleva J, Ahmad I, El‐Boghdadly K. A systematic review and cost effectiveness analysis of reusable vs. single-use flexible bronchoscopes. Anaesthesia. 2020 apr;75(4):529-540.

Kakeman E, Rajabi MR, Raeissi P, Ehlers LH. Attitudes Towards Accreditation and Quality Improvement Activities Among Hospital Employees in Iran: A Quantitative Study. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare. 2020 aug 13;13(13):799—807.

Larsen S, Russell RV, Mærkedahl A, Travis HS, Ockert LK, Ehlers LH. Contamination rate of reusable patient-ready duodenoscopes used for endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ercp): a systematic review and meta-analysis. Gastroenterology. 2020 maj;158(6, suppl. 1):S-1004-S-1005. Tu1009.

Riel H, Vicenzino B, Olesen JL, Jensen MB, Ehlers LH, Rathleff MS. Corticosteroid injection plus exercise versus exercise, beyond advice and a heel cup for patients with plantar fasciopathy: protocol for a randomised clinical superiority trial (the FIX-Heel trial). Trials. 2020 jan 2;21(1). 5.

El-Boghdadly K, Mouritsen JM, Ehlers L, Kovaleva J, Ahmad I. Cost analysis of reusable vs.single-use flexible bronchoscopes: a reply. Anaesthesia. 2020 may 1;75(5):696-697.

Sørensen AS, Hansen L, Sørensen SS, Jensen MB, Ehlers LH. Is telehealthcare for heart failure patients cost-effective? An economic evaluation alongside the Danish TeleCare North heart failure trial. BMJ Open. 2020 jan;10(1). e031670.

Raunbak SM, Hansen L, Jensen MB, Ehlers LH. Notat om beregning af kommunale ydelser i Aalborg Kommune i forbindelse med Telecare Nord Hjertesvigt. 2020. 14 s.

Buch-Andersen T, Andreasen AH, Jørgensen T, Ehlers LH, Toft U. Price and sales volume of sugar-sweetened beverages, diet drinks, sweets and chocolates: Analysis of Danish retail scanner data. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2020 apr1;74(4):581-587.

Sørensen A-KR, Hammeken LH, Qvist AH, Jensen SL, Ehlers LH. Operative treatment of displaced midshaft clavicular fractures is not cost-effective. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. 2020 jan;29(1):27-35.

Ehlers LH. Professor i sundhedsøkonomi: Samfundet kunne formentlig have reddet flere liv for de samme penge, som corona-indsatsen hidtil har kostet. Kristeligt Dagblad. 2020;2020 (31. marts).

Larsen S, Russell RV, Ockert LK, Spanos S, Travis HS, Ehlers LH o.a. Rate and impact of duodenoscope contamination: A systematic review and meta-analysis. EClinicalMedicine. 2020 aug;25. 100451.

Riel H, Vicenzino B, Olesen JL, Jensen MB, Ehlers LH, Rathleff MS. Statistical Analysis Plan for Corticosteroid injection plus exercise versus exercise, beyond advice and a heel cup for patients with plantar fasciopathy: a randomised clinical superiority trial (the FIX-Heel trial). 2020.

Ehlers LH. Sundhedsøkonom: Der mangler fokus på Behandlingsrådets økonomiske evalueringer. Altinget: magasin. 2020 mar 10.

Ehlers LH. Sundhedsøkonom: Medicinrådet er bedst til at bekæmpe prisudviklingen. Altinget: magasin. 2020;2020 (10. marts).

Ehlers LH, Lamotte M, Monteiro S, Holmgaard P, Frary EC, Ejskjær N. The cost-effectiveness of empagliflozin in type 2 diabetes in Denmark: Incorporating cardiovascular outcomes. 2020. Poster presented at ISPOR 2020, Milano, Italien.

Travis HS, Ehlers LH, Thornton J. The total cost of reuseable duodenoscopes - are single-use duodenoscopes the future of ERCP? Pharmacoeconomics: Open Access. 2020 jun;5(2).

Nørskov, S, Damholdt, MF, Ulhøi, JP, Jensen, MB, Ess, CM & Seibt, J 2020, 'Applicant fairness perceptions of a robot-mediated job interview: A video vignette-based experimental survey', Frontiers in Robotics and AI, bind 7, nr. 163, 586263.

Riar, FJ, Hienerth, C & Jensen, MB 2020, 'Digital due diligence activities and goal setting in equity crowdfunding: exploring the differences between novice and experienced investors', International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing.


Christensen E, Ehlers LH. An analysis of the Danish model for analogue competition of hospital medicine based on the case the therapeutic area, hepatitis C. 2019. Poster præsenteret ved ISPOR EUROPE 2019, København, Danmark.

Jørgensen SMD, Hvas CL, Dahlerup JF, Mikkelsen S, Ehlers L, Hammeken LH o.a. Banking feces: a new frontier for public blood banks? Transfusion. 2019 sep 1;59(9):2776-2782.

Knudsen SV, Laursen HVB, Johnsen SP, Bartels PD, Ehlers LH, Mainz J. Can quality improvement improve the quality of care? A systematic review of reported effects and methodological rigor in plan-do-study-act projects. BMC Health Services Research. 2019 okt;19(1):1-10. 683.

Sohrt A, Ehlers LH, Udsen FW, Mærkedahl A, McGrath B. Cost Comparison of Single Use Versus Reusable Bronchoscopes Used for Percutaneous Dilatational Tracheostomy. PharmacoEconomics open. 2019;3:189-195.

Ehlers LH, Sørensen AS. Costing in health economic evaluation: Theory and practice. Aalborg Universitetsforlag, 2019.

Dehlholm-Larsen E, Hall BK, Jørgensen SMD, Jørgensen CW, Jensen ME, Larsen S o.a. Cost savings following faecal microbiota transplantation for recurrent Clostridium difficile infection. Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology. 2019;12:1-14.

Hermansen NK, Arlander A-SJ, Ehlers LH, Jensen CE. Cost-utility analysis of the bi-, quadri-, and nona-valent hpv-vaccine: a decision analytic model. Value in Health. 2019 nov 1;22(Suppl. 3):S474-S474. PCN199.

Hvidberg MF, Johnsen SP, Davidsen M, Ehlers LH. Derfor er studier i kroniske sygdomme vigtige. 2019.

Hermansen NK, Bjerregaard HHH, Laursen M, Ehlers L. Feasibility study of using patient reported outcomes and predictive analytics in clinical decision support to enhance patient centered care. Value in Health. 2019;22(Suppl. 3):S899-S899. PSU39.

Jensen VMN, Jensen AE, Hammeken LH, Xylander AAP, Jensen CE, Sørensen SS o.a. Identifying mechanisms in participant recruitment in the Danish EQ-5D-5L valuation study. Value in Health. 2019;22 (Suppl. 3):S764. PNS8.

Sørensen NL, Hammeken LH, Thomsen JNL, Ehlers LH. Implementing patient-reported outcomes in clinical decision-making within knee and hip osteoarthritis: an explorative review. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2019 maj 17;20(1).230.

Ehlers LH. Introduction to medical market access in Denmark. Djøf Forlag,

Ehlers L. Letter to Editor. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy. 2019 jan 1.

Hvas CL, Ehlers LH. Mirakellort kan behandle livstruende sygdomme. [online]. 2019.

Ehlers LH, Hansen L, Jensen MB, Sørensen SS, Sørensen AS. National savings from telehealth care in heart failure results from the Danish telecare north trial.Value in Health. 2019;22(Suppl. 3):S409. CV2.

Meyer MK, Andersen M, Ring T, Andersen GN, Ehlers LH, Rasmussen C o.a. Personalized Rheumatic Medicine through Dose Reduction Reduces the Cost of Biological Treatment – a retrospective intervention analysis. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. 2019 sep 3;48(5):398-407.

Hvidberg MF, Johnsen SP, Davidsen M, Ehlers LH. Supplementary Material: To the paper: “A nationwide study of prevalence rates and characteristics of 199 chronic conditions in Denmark”. PharmacoEconomics - Open. 2019.

Hammeken LH, Jørgensen SMD, Dahlerup JF, Hvas CL, Ehlers LH. The cost-effectiveness of faecal microbiota transplantation vs. antibiotics for patients with recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection: a systematic review. Value in Health. 2019;22(Suppl. 3):S622. PGI33.

Hvidberg MF, Johnsen SP, Davidsen M, Ehlers LH. To ud af tre danskere lider af kroniske sygdomme. Laegemagasinet. 2019;(3).

Sørensen NL, Bjerregaard HH, Hansen L, Laursen MB, Enemark Larsen A, Odgaard A o.a. Udvikling af PRO inden for knæ- og hoftealloplastik i Region Nordjylland. Danish Center for Healthcare Improvements, 2019. 67 s.

Bjerregaard HH, Bukh PN, Sørensen R, Ehlers LH. Value-Based Healthcare in Orthopeadic Surgery - Using Outcome Data to Improve Decisionmaking in the Clinic. 2019. Abstract fra Value-based healthcare conference, Rotterdam, Holland.

Birkebæk, N, Thastum, M, Kristensen, LJ, Mose, AH & Jensen, MB 2019, 'The WHO-5 Index in Danish adolescents with type 1 diabetes and the associations with disordered eating, emotional symptoms, quality of life and hemoglobin A1c', Pediatric Diabetes, issue 20, nr. Suppl. 28, P022, s. 51.

Birkebæk, N, Jensen, MB, Kristensen, LJ, Mose, A & Thastum, M 2019, 'Symptoms of eating disorder, quality of life, emotional difficulties and metabolic control i Danish adolescents with type 1 diabetes', Pediatric Diabetes, issue 20, nr. 28, P023, p. 51-52.

Nørskov, S, Antorini, YM & Jensen, MB 2019, Innovative brand community members and their willingness to share ideas with companies. i A Brem, J Tidd & T Daim (red), Managing Innovation: Understanding and Motivating Crowds. World Scientific, Series on Technology Management, issue 32, p. 145–169.

Meyer MK, Andersen M, Ring T, Andersen GN, Ehlers LH, Rasmussen C o.a. Personalized Rheumatic Medicine through Dose Reduction Reduces the Cost of Biological Treatment – a retrospective intervention analysis. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. 2019 sep 3;48(5):398-407.


VestergaardAS, Ehlers LH. Calculating the value for money of quality improvements whenhealth-related outcome measures are unavailable; using quality indicators indecision-analytic modelling. I 5th Nordic Conference on Research in PatientSafety and Quality in Healthcare - book of abstracts. 2018. s. 56 

VilsbøllAW, Mouritsen JM, Jensen LP, Bødker N, Holst AW, Pennisi CP o.a. Cell-basedtherapy for the treatment of female stress urinary incontinence: an earlycost–effectiveness analysis. Regenerative Medicine. 2018 maj1;13(3):321-330. 

Dinesen B, Hæsum LKE, Sørensen N, Nielsen C, Grann O,Hejlesen O o.a. Corrigendum: to Dinesen B, Haesum LK, Soerensen N, et al. Using preventive home monitoring toreduce hospital admission rates and reduce costs: A case study of telehealthamong chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. J Telemed Telecare2012;18: 221–225. Journal of Telemedicineand Telecare. 2018 jan1;24(1):3. 

AbubakerTA, Fangel MV, Vestergaard AS, Rathleff MS, Ehlers LH, Jensen MB.Cost-effectiveness of treatments for non-osteoarthritic knee pain conditions: A systematic review. P L o S One. 2018 dec 1;13(12). e0209240. 

Axelsen F,Ording A, Ehlers LH. COST OF COMORBIDITIES IN PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV INDENMARK. 2018. Abstract fra ISPOR 2018, Spanien. 

Rosenkrans Sørensen A-K, Hammerelen LH, Haubjerg Qvist A,Jensen SL, Ehlers LH. Cost-UtilityAnalysis of Operative versus Nonoperative Treatment of Displaced MidshaftClavicular Fractures. 2018. Poster præsenteret ved SECEC-ESSSE Congress,Genéve, Schweiz. 

HermansenNK, Vestergaard AS, Ehlers LH. DOES QUALITY IMPROVEMENT IMPROVE PATIENTS’HEALTH? A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF MEASURES OF EFFECT USED IN PDSA PROJECTS. 2018.Abstract fra 5th Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality inHealthcare, København, Danmark. 

Knudsen SV,Laursen HVB, Ehlers LH, Mainz J. Does Quality Improvement improve the Qualityof Care? A Systematic Review of the Effect and Methodological Rigor of thePlan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Method. 2018. Poster præsenteret ved ISQuaInternational Conference 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 

Sørensen SS, Jensen MB, Pedersen KM, Ehlers LH. Examining the Heterogeneity and CostEffectiveness of a Complex Intervention by Segmentation of Patients withChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Value in Health. 2018feb;21(2):239-247. 

Ehlers LH. Kommentering af Deloitte rapport:”Effektivadministration og fælles løsninger i regionerne". Økonomi og HR. Afrapportering, 3. oktober2018”. 2018. 5 s. 

LaursenHVB, Vesteghem C, Sommer M, Nielsen MM, Dybkær K, El-Galaly T o.a.Methodological challenges for the valuation of drug related treatment costs forrelapsing haematological cancer patients. 2018. Poster præsenteret vedFirst Nordic conference on Personalized Medicine, Nyborg, Danmark. 

LaursenHVB, Vesteghem C, Sommer M, Nielsen MM, Dybkær K, El-Galaly T o.a.Methodological challenges for the valuation of drug related treatment costs forrelapsing haematologic cancer patients. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology &Toxicology. 2018 maj;123(Suppl. 1):9. NorPM-P22. 

Nielsen HS, Humaidan P, Hornstrup M, Christensen P, EhlersLH. Sammenhængen mellem mænds fertilitet og helbred skal frem i lyset. Politiken. 2018 nov 19;1. 

Glavind K, Hammeken LH, Vinding AL, Bjerregaard HH, EhlersLH. Studenterprojekter kan forbedre den kliniske praksis. Tidsskrift for DanskSundhedsvaesen (Online). 2018 sep;94(5):42-48.

Sørensen NL, Johansen SK, Hansen L, Thomsen JL, Ehlers LH. The application of future workshops in ahealthcare setting. 2018. Abstract fra 5th Nordic Conference on Research inPatient Safety and Quality in Healthcare, København, Danmark. 

Westmark S,Melgaard D, Rethmeier LO, Ehlers LH. The cost of dysphagia in geriatricpatients. ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research. 2018 jun 6;10:321-326. 

KristiansenDM, Roer M, Rethmeier L, Westmark S, Ehlers LH. The economic burden ofdysphagia in geriatric patients. 2018. Abstract fra 26th Annual DRS Meeting,March 15 - 17, 2018, at the Renaissance Harborplace Hotel in Baltimore, MD,Baltimore, USA. 

MøllehaveLT, Linneberg A, Skaaby T, Knudsen N, Ehlers L, Jørgensen T o.a. Trends inCosts of Thyroid Disease Treatment in Denmark during 1995-2015. EuropeanThyroid Journal. 2018;7(2):75-83. 

Ehlers LH,Jensen MB. Unannounced accreditation surveys: cheaper and better facilitatorfor the quality improvement work at hospitals but not a more valid instrument.2018. Abstract fra 5th Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety andQuality in Healthcare, København, Danmark.

Ehlers LH, Jensen MB. Unannounced accreditation surveys is a cheaper and betterfacilitator for the quality improvement work at hospitals but not a more validinstrument: findings from Denmark. 2018. Abstract fra ISQuaInternational Conference, London, Storbritannien. 

Jespersen, KR, Rigamonti, D, Jensen, MB & Bysted, R 2018, 'Analysis of SMEs partner proximity preferences for process innovation', Small Business Economics, bind 51, nr. 4, s. 879–904.

Kristensen, LJ, Birkebaek, NH, Mose, AH, Berg Jensen, M & Thastum, M 2018, 'Multi-informant path models of the influence of psychosocial and treatment-related variables on adherence and metabolic control in adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus', PLOS ONE, bind 13, nr. 9, e0204176, s. e0204176.


Ehlers LH, Jensen MB, Simonsen KB, Rasmussen GS, Braithwaite J. Attitudes towards accreditation among hospital employees in Denmark: a cross-sectional survey. International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 2017 okt;29(5):693–698.
Knudsen SV, Laursen HVB, Ehlers LH, Mainz J. Can quality improvement improve the quality of care?. 2017. Poster præsenteret ved ISQua's International Conference, London, Storbritannien.
Udsen FW, Lilholt PH, Hejlesen O, Ehlers L. Cost-effectiveness of telehealthcare to patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: results from the Danish 'TeleCare North' cluster-randomised trial. BMJ Open. 2017;7(5). e014616.
Møllehave LT, Ehlers LH. Development of costs of thyroid disease treatment in Denmark during 1995-2015: the effect of iodine fortification. 2017. Abstract fra 40th Annual Meeting of European Thyroid Association, Serbien.
Klinge M, Rask P, Mortensen L, Lassen K, Ejskjaer N, Ehlers LH o.a. Early Assessment of Cost-effectiveness of Gastric Electrical Stimulation for Diabetic Nausea and Vomiting. Neurogastroenterology and Motility. 2017;23(4):541-549.
Kovaleva J, Lilja Terjesen C, Ehlers LH. Early Assessment of the likely cost effectiveness of Single-Use Flexible Video Bronchoscopes. PharmacoEconomics -Open. 2017 jun 1;1(2):133-141.
Sørensen SS, Pedersen KM, Weinreich UM, Ehlers LH. Economic Evaluation of Community-Based Case Management of Patients Suffering From Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy. 2017 maj15;15(3):413-424.
Gerdes U, Schou SW, Ehlers LH. Nye tider i sundhedsvæsenet: Det vrimler med kvalitetsforbedringsprogrammer, men virker de efter hensigten? Tidsskrift for Dansk Sundhedsvaesen (Online). 2017;93(4):26-37.
Hæsum LKE, Hansen L, Ehlers LH. OVERSIGT OVER DATA PÅ SUNDHEDS- OG ÆLDREOMRÅDET I AALBORG KOMMUNE. Danish Center for Healthcare Improvements, 2017. 34 s.
Sørensen SS, Weinreich UM, Ehlers L. Rationale and development of a patient-tailored complex intervention of case management for patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Home Health Care Services Quarterly. 2017 dec 13;36(3-4):178-195. 36.
Witt Udsen F, Lilholt PH, Hejlesen OK, Ehlers LH. Subgroup analysis of telehealthcare for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the cluster-randomized Danish Telecare North Trial. ClinicoEconomics and Outcome Research. 2017;9:391-401.
Lilholt PH, Witt Udsen F, Ehlers L, Hejlesen OK. Telehealthcare for patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: effects on health-related quality of life: results from the Danish 'TeleCare North' cluster-randomised trial. BMJ Open. 2017;7(5). e014587.
Vestergaard AS, Skjøth F, Larsen TB, Ehlers LH. The importance of mean time in therapeutic range for complication rates in warfarin therapy of patients with atrial fibrillation: A systematic review and meta-regression analysis. P L o S One. 2017 nov 20;12(11).
Hæsum LKE, Ehlers LH, Hejlesen OK. The long-term effects of using telehomecare technology on functional health literacy: results from a randomized trial. Public Health. 2017;150:43-50.
Knudsen SV, Laursen HVB, Ehlers LH, Mainz J. There is need for improvement of quality improvement - a systematic review of the PDSA method in QI studies. International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 2017 sep 1;29(suppl.1):45-45. ISQUA17-3217.
Andersen MRS, Bjerregaard HMH, Nørgaard L, Andersen M, Simonsen KB, Ehlers LH. Udskrivningskoordinator på akutmodtageafsnit. 2017.
Ehlers LH, Simonsen KB, Jensen MB, Rasmussen GS, Olesen AV. Unannounced versus Announced Hospital Surveys: A Nationwide Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 2017;29(3):406-411.
Ehlers LH, Pedersen KM, Gyrd-Hansen D, Kjellberg J. Vejledning for udarbejdelse af sundhedsøkonomiske analyser af lægemidler: Til brug for ansøgninger om medicintilskud. 2017. 12 s.


Ehlers LH, Simonsen KB, Berg Jensen M, Rasmussen GS, Olesen AV. A Nationwide cluster randomized controlled trial of unannounced versus announced periodic hospital surveys. I Nykänen I, red., The 4th Nordic Conference on research in patient safety and quality in healthcare: Program and Abstracts. University of Eastern Finland. 2016. s. 66
Vestergaard AS, Ehlers LH. Application of quality indicators to enable economic evaluation of quality improvements - A bayesian decision theoretical and value of information analytic framework. Value in Health. 2016;19 (7):A397. PRM219.
Hvidberg MF, Johnsen SP, Glümer C, Petersen KD, Olesen AV, Ehlers L. Catalog of 199 register-based definitions of chronic conditions. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. 2016 apr 20;44(5):462-479.
Szymansky T, Reed J, Ehlers LH, Bell D. Cost effectiveness analysis of comprehensive medicine review (CMR) for patients acutely admitted to hospital. Value in Health. 2016;19(7):A612. PHS50.
Tipsmark LS, Fassov J, Lundby L, Laurberg S, Ehlers LH, Krogh K. Cost-effectiveness analysis of sacral nerve stimulation as treatment for severe irritable bowel syndrome. Colorectal Disease. 2016 jan;18(1):O30-O36.
Cichosz SL, Ehlers LH, Hejlesen O. Health and cost-effectiveness of telehealthcare for heart failure: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials.2016;17. 590.
Hæsum LKE, Ehlers L, Hejlesen OK. Influence of health literacy on outcomes using telehomecare technology: a systematic review. Health Education Journal.2016;75(1):72-83.
Hæsum LKE, Ehlers L, Hejlesen OK. Interaction between functional health literacy and telehomecare: short-term effects from a randomized trial. Nursing and Health Sciences. 2016;18(3):328-333.
Mathiesen K, Riper H, Ehlers LH, Valentin JB, Rosenberg N. Internet-based CBT for social phobia and panic disorder in a specialised anxiety clinic in routine care: results of a pilot randomised controlled trial. Internet Interventions. 2016;4(Part 1):92-98.
Hansson E, Ekman I, Swedberg K, Dudas K, Wolf A, Ehlers LH o.a. Person-centred care for patients with chronic heart failure – a cost–utility analysis. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 2016;15(4):276-284.
Lilholt PH, Hæsum LKE, Ehlers LH, Hejlesen OK. Specific technological communication skills and functional health literacy have no influence on self-reported benefits from enrollment in the TeleCare North trial. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2016;91:60-66.
Hvidberg MF, Johnsen S, Glümer C, Petersen KD, Olesen AV, Ehlers LH. Supplementary Material - Catalog of 199 register-based definitions of chronic conditions. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. 2016 apr 20;Suppl.


Vestergaard AS, Ehlers LH. A Health Economic Evaluation of Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation: Guideline Adherence Versus the Observed Treatment Strategy Prior to 2012 in Denmark. PharmacoEconomics. 2015 sep;33(9):967-979.
Simonsen KB, Olesen AV, Rasmussen GS, Ehlers LH. A Nationwide randomised controlled trial evaluating the effect of unannounced periodic hospital surveys. 2015. Abstract fra ISQua Doha 2015, 4-7okt. National Convention Centre, Doha, Qatar.
Sørensen SS, Pedersen KM, Weinreich UM, Ehlers LH. Design, and participant enrollment, of a randomized controlled trial evaluating effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a community-based case management intervention, for patients suffering from COPD. Open Access Journal of Clinical Trials. 2015jul;2015(7):53-62. 7.
Simonsen KB, Jensen MB, Rasmussen GS, Ehlers LH. Attitudes of hospital staff and surveyors towards unannounced hospital surveys: Primary reporting of survey results. 2015. Abstract fra The International Society for Quality in Health Care, Danmark.
Møller, A-KL & Jensen, MB 2015, The influence of managers' and colleagues' absence on public employee absence. i Symposium i Anvendt Statistik. s. 180-189.
Holst AW, Olesen AV, Ehlers LH. Evaluering af forløbsbaseret ledelsesorganisering: Et kvantitativt perspektiv. 2015. 42 s.
Oddershede L, Ehlers LH, Andreasen JJ. Long-term Cost-effectiveness of Endoscopic vs Open Vein Harvest for Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases & Diagnosis. 2015;3(3). 1000195.
Streetly A, Ehlers LH. Population screening and public health. I Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health. 6. udg. Oxford University Press. 2015. s. 1507-1522.

Falk Hvidberg M, Brinth LS, Olesen AV, Petersen KD, Ehlers L. The Health-Related Quality of Life for Patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). PLOS ONE. 2015 jan;10(7):e0132421.
Simonsen KB, Olesen AV, Jensen MB, Rasmussen GS, Ehlers LH. Unannounced or announced periodic hospital surveys: a study protocol for a nationwide cluster-randomized controlled trial. Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research. 2015;2015(5):57—63.

Hæsum LKE, Ehlers LH, Hejlesen O. Validation of the Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults in a Danish population. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 2015;29(3):573-581.


Blindbaek L, Thørring B, Ehlers L. Assessment of palliative need in patients with chronic kidney disease by the new Three Levels of Need Questionnaire (3LNQ) is not exhaustive. Danish Medical Journal. 2014 apr;61(4):A4806.
Udsen FW, Hejlesen O, Ehlers LH. A systematic review of the cost and cost-effectiveness of telehealth for patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. 2014 jun;20(4):212-220.
OToole, MS, Jensen, MB, Fentz, HN, Zachariae, R & Hougaard, E 2014, 'Emotion differentiation and emotion regulation in high and low socially anxious individuals: An experience-sampling study', Cognitive Therapy and Research, bind 38, nr. 4, s. 428-438.
Jensen, MB, Hienerth, C & Lettl, C 2014, 'Forecasting the Commercial Attractiveness of User-Generated Designs Using Online Data: An Empirical Study within the LEGO User Community', Journal of Product Innovation Management, bind 31, s. 75-93.
Juhl, HJ & Jensen, MB 2014, 'Relative price changes as a tool to stimulate more healthy food choices: A Danish household panel study', Food Policy, bind 46, nr. June, s. 178–182.
Ylijoki-Sørensen S, Boldsen JL, Lalu K, Sajantila A, Baandrup U, Boel LWT o.a. Cost–consequence analysis of cause of death investigation in Finland and in Denmark. Forensic Science International. 2014 dec;245:133-142.
Ehlers LH. DDKM som instrument for kontinuerlig udvikling. 2014. 3 s.
Udsen FW, Lilholt PH, Hejlesen O, Ehlers LH. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of telehealthcare for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2014 maj;15(178).
Møller, A-KL & Jensen, MB 2014, 'The influence of managers’ and colleagues’ absence on public employee absence', Wellbeing at work , Copenhagen, Danmark, 26/05/2014 - 28/05/2014.>
Hienerth, C, von Hippel, E & Jensen, MB 2014, 'User community vs. producer innovation development efficiency: A first empirical study', Research Policy, bind 43, s. 190-201.
Oddershede L, Andreasen JJ, Ehlers L. Estimation of utility values from visual analog scale measures of health in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. ClinicoEconomics and Outcome Research. 2014 jan 10;6:21-27.

Olesen AV, Oddershede L, Ehlers LH, Hvidberg MF, Petersen KD. Generating a set of preference-based EQ-5D index scores for chronic conditions using a percentage-scale. 2014. Abstract fra 2014 iHEA World Congress, Dublin, Irland.
Oddershede L, Riahi S, Nielsen JC, Hjortshøj S, Andersen HR, Ehlers L. Health economic evaluation of single-lead atrial pacing vs. dual-chamber pacing in sick sinus syndrome. Europace. 2014 jun;16(6):866-872.

Simonsen KB, Ehlers LH. Kemoterapiordination på Aalborg Onkologisk Dagafsnit: Hvordan opstår ordinationsfejl i en kompleks socio-teknisk organisation?. 2014. Poster præsenteret ved Kvalitetsdag 14 den 4. november Trinity Hotel og Konferencecenter, Gl. Færgevej 30, 7000 Fredericia, Fredericia, Danmark.
Oddershede L, Andreasen JJ, Ehlers LH. Long-term cost-effectiveness of endoscopic vs open vein harvest for coronary artery bypass grafting. 2014. Abstract fra 2014 iHEA World Congress, Dublin, Irland.
Læborg NJHS, Gerstrøm M, Holst AW, Frost K, Ehlers LH, Baggesen KL. Operation for makulahul på Aalborg Universitetshospital og på Øjenklinikken Frost, Nykøbing Mors. Et kvalitetssikringsprojekt. Oftalmologi. 2014 dec;34(4):8-12.

Svendsen ML, Ehlers LH, Hundborg HH, Ingeman A, Johnsen SP. Processes of early stroke care and hospital costs. International Journal of Stroke. 2014;9(6):777-782.
Ehlers LH, Christiansen P, Larsen P, Olesen AV. QALY-katalog som prioriteringsinstrument. Danish Health Care Journal. 2014 maj 1;90(4):4-9.
Hæsum LKE, Ehlers LH, Hejlesen O. Validation of a health literacy test in a Danish population: results from a pilot study. I Moe CE, Fossum M, red., Proceedings from Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics, 21-22 August 2014, Grimstad, Norway. Linköping University Electronic Press. 2014. s. 1-7. (Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings; Nr. 102).


Hansen L, Mathielsen ASM, Vestergaard P, Ehlers LH, Petersen KD. A health economic analysis of osteoporotic fractures: who carries the burden? Archives of Osteoporosis. 2013 dec;8(1-2):126.
Mathiesen ASM, Nørgaard K, Andsersen MFB, Møller KM, Ehlers LH. Are labour-intensive efforts to prevent pressure ulcers cost-effective? Journal of Medical Economics. 2013 okt;16(10):1238-1245.
Hvidberg MF, Petersen KD, Ehlers LH. Catalogue of EQ-5D Scores for Chronic Conditions in Denmark (abstract). Value in Health. 2013 nov 30;16(7):A595.
Hvidberg MF, Petersen KD, Ehlers LH. Catalogue of EQ-5D Scores for Chronic Conditions in Denmark (poster). 2013. Poster præsenteret ved ISPOR 16th Annual European Congress to be held 2-6 November 2013 at The Convention Centre Dublin in Dublin, Ireland.
Ehlers LH, Rosenberg N, Mathiesen K, Svendsen M. Computerbaseret behandling af angst/fobi med programmet FearFighter: Evaluering af demonstrationsprojekt i Region Midtjylland. 2013.
Ehlers LH, Ferrante S, Højsted Kristensen M, Leutscher P, Chhatwal J. Cost-effectiveness of boceprevir add-on treatment of hepatitis C virus genotype 1 patients in Denmark. 2013. Poster præsenteret ved International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, Dublin, Irland.
Ehlers LH, Ferrante S, Kristensen MH, Leutscher P, Chhatwal J. Cost-effectiveness of boceprevir add-on treatment of hepatitis C virus genotype 1 patients in Denmark. Value in Health. 2013 nov;16(7):A354. PIN78.
Kasmeridis C, Apostolakis S, Ehlers LH, Rasmussen LH, Boriani G, Lip GYH. Cost Effectiveness of Treatments for Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation: Focus on the Novel Oral Anticoagulants. PharmacoEconomics. 2013;31(11):971-980.
Sørensen SS, Pedersen KM, Ehlers LH. Design of a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) Evaluating Outcome and Cost-effectiveness of a Local Case-Management Intervention of Patients Suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Value in Health. 2013 nov 1;16(7):A576.
Fentz, HN, Hoffart, A, Jensen, MB, Arendt, M, OToole, MS, Rosenberg, N & Hougaard, E 2013, 'Mechanisms of change in cognitive behaviour therapy for panic disorder: The role of panic self-efficacy and catastrophic misinterpretations', Behaviour Research and Therapy, bind 51, nr. 9, s. 579-587.
Christensen, LN, Ehlers, LH, Larsen, FB & Jensen, MB 2013, 'Validation of the 12 Item Short form Health Survey in a Sample from Region Central Jutland', Social Indicators Research, bind 114, nr. 2, s. 513-521.
Sørensen SS, Pedersen KM, Ehlers LH. Design of a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) Evaluating Outcome and Cost-effectiveness of a Local Case-Management Intervention of Patients Suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). 2013. Poster præsenteret ved International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, Dublin, Irland.
Riis A, Jensen CE, Bro F, Petersen KD, Maindal HT, Ehlers LH o.a.. Enhanced implementation of low back pain guidelines in general practice: A cluster randomized trial. 2013. Abstract fra 2013 Nordic Conference on Implementation of evidence-based practice, Linköping, Sverige.
Svendsen ML, Ehlers LH, Ingeman A, Johnsen SP. Higher Stroke Unit Volume Associated With Improved Quality of Early Stroke Care and Reduced Length of Stay. Stroke. 2013;43(11):3041-3045.
Riis A, Bro F, Maindal HT, Jensen CE, Petersen KD, Ehlers LH o.a.. Introduction of new low back pain guidelines in general practice. 2013. Abstract fra PhD day 2013, Aarhus, Danmark.
Hæsum LKE, Ehlers LH, Hejlesen O. Is there a connection between telehomecare technology and health literacy? I Bellika G, Bygholm A, Dencker M, Fossum M, Galster G, Hartvigsen G, Hejlesen O, Karlsson D, Koch S, Moe C-E, red., Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics 2013, 20 August 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark. Linköping University Electronic Press. 2013. s. 39-43. (Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings; Nr. 91).
Ehlers LH, Houlind K. Letter to editor: OPCAB Surgery is cost-effective for elderly patients. Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal. 2013;47(6):384-384.

Houlind K, Kjeldsen BJ, Madsen SN, Rasmussen BS, Holme SJ, Pallesen PA o.a. OPCAB Surgery is cost-effective for elderly patients. Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal. 2013;47(3):185-192.
Hæsum LKE, Ehlers LH, Hejlesen O. Telehomecare technologies enhance self-management and empowerment among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): where does health literacy fit into this equation? I Lehmann CU, Ammenwerth E, Nøhr C, red., MEDINFO 2013: Proceedings of the 14th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics. IOS Press. 2013. s. 1182. (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics; Nr. 192).
Christensen LN, Ehlers LH, Larsen FB, Jensen MB. Validation of the 12 Item Short form Health Survey in a Sample from Region Central Jutland. Social Indicators Research. 2013;114(2):513-521.


Møller AH, Hansen L, Jensen MS, Ehlers LH. A cost-effectiveness analysis of reducing ventilator-associated pneumonia at a Danish ICU with ventilator bundle. Journal of Medical Economics. 2012;15(2):285-292.
Møller AH, Hansen L, Jensen MS, Ehlers LH. A Cost-effectiveness Analysis of the Ventilator Bundle. 2012.

Shakibfar S, Graff C, Ehlers LH, Toft E, Kanters JK, Struijk J. Assessing common classification methods for the identification of abnormal repolarization using indicators of T-wave morphology and QT interval. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 2012;42(4):485-491.
Ehlers LH, Jensen MB. Attitudes and barriers toward mini-HTA in the Danish municipalities. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 2012;28(3):271-277.
Rønborg SM, Svendsen UG, Micheelsen JS, Ytte L, Andreasen J, Ehlers LH. Budget impact analysis of two immunotherapy products for treatment of grass pollen-induced allergic rhinoconjunctivitis. ClinicoEconomics and Outcome Research. 2012 jul 11;2012(4):253-260.

Houlind K, Ehlers LH. Bypass operation med eller uden brug af hjerte-lunge-maskine– en medicinsk teknologivurdering. 1.0 udg. København: Sundhedsstyrelsen, 2012. 71 s. (Medicinsk Teknologivurdering; Nr. 1, issue (12).
Ehlers LH, Jensen JM, Bendtsen T. Cost-effectiveness of Ultrasound versus Nerve Stimulatio Guidance for Continuous Sciatic Nerve Block. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 2012 nov 1;109(5):804-808. 

Hæsum LKE, Sørensen N, Dinesen B, Nielsen C, Grann O, Hejlesen O o.a. Cost-utility analysis of a telerehabilitation program: A case study of COPD patients. Telemedicine and e-Health. 2012;18(9):688-692.
Oddershede L, Andreasen JJ, Brocki BC, Ehlers L. Economic evaluation of endoscopic versus open vein harvest for coronary artery bypass grafting. Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 2012 apr 1;93(4):1174-1180. 

Ehlers LH, Jensen MB. Hvordan forbedrer vi kvaliteten af sundhedsvæsenets ydelser? Kiropraktoren. 2012;(1):28.
Houlind K, Kjeldsen BJ, Madsen SN, Rasmussen BS, Holme SJ, Nielsen PH o.a. On-Pump Versus Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in Elderly Patients: Results From the Danish On-Pump Versus Off-Pump Randomization Study. Circulation. 2012;125(20):2431-2439.
Boztug, Y, Juhl, HJ, Elshiewy, O & Jensen, MB 2012, 'Are consumers influenced in their food choice by health labels?', Paper fremlagt ved 41th EMAC Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 22/05/2012 - 25/05/2012.
Fentz, HN, Hougaard, E, Rosenberg, N, OToole, MS, Arendt, M & Jensen, MB 2012, 'Panic self-efficacy as a mediator of anxiety-related symptom change in cognitive behavioral therapy for patients with panic disorder', 42nd annual EABCT congress in Geneva, Geneve, Schweiz, 29/08/2012 - 01/09/2012.
Ehlers LH. Samfundsøkonomi. I Andersen G, Damgaard D, Hysse Forchhammer B, K. Iversen H, red., Apopleksi: Sygdom, behandling og organisation. 1 udg. Bind 1. København: Munksgaard. 2012. s. 339-345 

Oddershede L, Andreasen JJ, Brocki BC, Ehlers L. Sundhedsøkonomisk evaluering af endoskopisk versus åben venehøst til bypasskirurgi. 2012. Abstract fra Forskningens Dag, Aalborg, Danmark.
Dinesen B, Hæsum LKE, Sørensen N, Nielsen C, Grann O, Hejlesen O o.a. Using preventive home monitoring to reduce hospital admission rates and reduce costs: A case study of telehealth among chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. 2012;18(4):221–225.


Ronborg SM, Svendsen UG, Stjernholm J, Ytte L, Treloggen JR, Andreasen JN o.a. A comparative health economic evaluation of the SQstandardised grass allergy immunotherapy tablet and subcutaneous immunotherapy in the treatment of grass pollen induced allergic rhinoconjunctivitis. 2011. Poster præsenteret ved 30th Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
Ronborg SM, Svendsen UG, Micheelsen JS, Ytte L, Andreasen JN, Ehlers LH. A comparative health economic evaluation of two treatments for grass pollen induced allergic rhinoconjunctivitis. Value in Health. 2011;14(7):A488–A489.
Hohwü L, Borre M, Ehlers L, Venborg Pedersen K. A short-term cost-effectiveness study comparing robot-assisted laparoscopic and open retropubic radical prostatectomy. Journal of Medical Economics. 2011;14(4):403-409.
Ehlers LH, Laursen KB, Berg Jensen M. Health-related quality-of-life in patients after elective surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysm. Journal of Medical Economics. 2011;14(6):787-791.
Ehlers LH, Fenger-Grøn M, Beck SS, Houlind K, Lauridsen J. ISPOR Madrid nov 2011: The DOORS-study of on-pump versus off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting: A post hoc analysis of methods for multiple imputation of missing data in economic evaluation. 2011.
Shakibfar S, Ehlers LH, Struijk J. Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation for cost-effectiveness of new risk stratification on Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD). 2011. Poster præsenteret ved International Conference on Mathematical Finance and Economics, Istanbul, Tyrkiet. 

Frost M, Stenkær S, Kellenberger S, Ehlers LH. Mobil CT på neurointensive afsnit er muligt. Ugeskrift for Laeger. 2011 jan 24;173(4):277-279.
Hørdam B, Pedersen PU, Søballe K, Sabroe S, Ehlers LH. Quality-adjusted life years gained in patients aged over 65 years after total hip replacement. International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing. 2011;15(1):11-17.
Svendsen ML, Ehlers LH, Frydenberg M, Ingeman A, Johnsen SP. Quality of Care and Patient Outcome in Stroke Units: Is Medical Specialty of Importance? Medical Care. 2011;49(8):693–700.
Oddershede L, Sørensen SS, Kristensen AK, Pedersen JF, Rees SE, Ehlers LH. The cost-effectiveness of venous-converted acid-base and blood gas status in pulmonary medical departments. ClinicoEconomics and Outcome Research. 2011;2011(3):1-7.
Ehlers LH, Fenger-Grøn M, Beck SS, Houlind K, Lauridsen J. The DOORS-study of on-pump versus off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting: A post hoc analysis of methods for multiple imputation of missing data in economic evaluation. 2011. Paper præsenteret ved Nordic Health Economic Study Group, Odense, Danmark.
Ehlers LH, Fenger-Grøn M, Beck SS, Houlind K, Lauridsen J. The DOORS-study of on-pump versus off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting: A post hoc analysis of methods for multiple imputation of missing data in economic evaluation. 2011. Abstract fra NHESG konference Odense, Odense, Danmark.
Sundhedsstyrelsen, Dokumentation af Kvalitet og Standardisering. Ventilation på operationsstuer:  en medicinsk teknologivurdering. København: Sundhedsstyrelsen: Sundhedsstyrelsen, 2011. 87 s. (Medicinsk Teknologivurdering; Nr. 3, Bind 13).


Kjølby M, Løvschall C, Jensen L, Væggemose U, Bech M, Ehlers LH. Consequences of population screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) - a health technology assessment. 2010. Poster præsenteret ved Working ConferenceHealth Services Research in Europe, The Hague, the Netherlands, 8-9 April 2010, Haag, Holland.
Hohwü L, Ehlers LH, Borre M, Venborg Pedersen K. Cost-effectiveness study of robot-assisted laparoscopic versus open retropubic radical prostatectomy. European Urology Supplements. 2010;9(Supl.5):505. 27.
Ehlers LH. Kan DRG-takster bruges i økonomisk evaluering? Ugeskrift for Laeger. 2010 nov;172(45):3124.
Ehlers LH, Kruse M, Højgaard B, Søgaard J. Public health economics - an emergent subdiscipline? Value in Health. 2010 nov;13(7):386.

Ehlers LH, Kruse M, Højgaard B, Søgaard J. Public health economics – an emergent subdiscipline? 2010. Abstract fra 31st Nordic Health Economist's meeting (NHESG), Umea, Sverige.
Hohwü L, Ehlers L, Borre M, Pedersen KV. Robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatactomy versus retropubic radical prostatectomy: a cost-effectiveness study. European Urology Supplements . 2010;9(2):289. 920.
Houlind K, Kjeldsen BJ, Bjerrum B, Madsen S, Kidholm K, Rasmussen BS o.a. Safety and Cost-effectiveness of Off-pump Coronary Artery By-pass Surgery in Elderly Patients: A Randomized Study of 900 Patients above 70 Years. 2010. Poster præsenteret ved INATHA Annual Meeting, Dublin.
Christensen S, Ehlers LH, Kjølby M. Testing the generalizability of national reimbursement rates with respect to local setting: the cost of abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery in Denmark. ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research. 2010;2:135-139.
Reichstein, T, Dahl, MS, Ebersberger, B & Jensen, MB 2010, 'The devil dwells in the tails: A quantile regression approach to firm growth', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, bind 20, nr. 2, s. 219-231.
Løvschall C, Ehlers LH. Waiting times for patients undergoing surgery for carotid stenos is in Denmark. 2010. Poster præsenteret ved INAHTA annual meeting, Dublin, Irland.
Løvschall C, Ehlers LH. Waiting times for patients undergoing surgery for carotid stenosisin Denmark. 2010. Abstract fra HTAi 2010 Maximising the Value of HTA6th - 9th June 2010 - RDS, Dublin, Ireland.


Christensen P, Ehlers LH, Andreasen J. A health economic evaluation of transanal colonic irrigation in spinal cord injury patients. 2009. Abstract fra ISPOR 14th Annual International Meeting, May 16-20, 2009, Renaissance Orlando Resort at SeaWorld Orlando, FL, USA.
Christensen P, Andreasen J, Ehlers L. A health economic evaluation of transanal colonic irrigation in spinal cord injury patients. 2009. Poster præsenteret ved ISPOR 14th Annual International Meeting, USA.
Ehlers L, Overvad K, Sørensen J, Christensen S, Bech M, Kjølby M. Analysis of cost effectiveness of screening Danish men aged 65 for abdominal aortic aneurysm. B M J. 2009;338(b2243):b2243.
Kidholm K, Ehlers LH, Korsbæk L. Assessment of the quality of mini-HTA. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 2009;25(1):42-48.
Christensen P, Andreasen J, Ehlers LH. Cost-effectiveness of transanal irrigation versus conservative bowel management for spinal cord injury patients. Spinal Cord. 2009;47(2):138-143.

Svendsen ML, Ehlers LH, Frydenberg M, Påske Johnsen S. Does medical speciality in stroke units influence quality of care and patient outcome? A national population-based follow-up study. 2009. Abstract fra Dansk Forum for Sundhedstjenesteforskning, Århus, Danmark.
Aagard J, Væggemose U, Ehlers LH. Effects of the enlargement of community-based psychiatry: A health service research approach. 2009. Abstract fra Dansk Forum for Sundhedstjenesteforskning, Århus, Danmark.
Ehlers LH, Poulsen CS. Forsøg på opstilling af trivselstypologi. 2009. Abstract fra Dansk Forum for Sundhedstjenesteforskning, Århus, Danmark.
Ehlers LH. Introduktion til sundhedsøkonomi: Bilag til tredje møde i det midlertidige udvalg vedr screeningsundersøgelser. Nr. 1-00-14-08, 2009. 3 s.
Kjølby M, Ehlers LH. Kommentarer til responsum af 13. juli 2009 fra Dansk Medicinsk Selskab vedrørende rapporten "Medicinsk teknologivurdering af screening for abdominalt aortaaneurism.". Nr. 1-45-72-4-07, 2009. 6 s.
Groth Jensen L, Ehlers LH, Bech M, Risgaard Hansen T, Lauritsen J, Kjølby M. Medicinsk teknologivurdering af Det Interaktive Hospital. 2009. Abstract fra Dansk Forum for Sundhedstjenesteforskning, Århus, Danmark.
Groth L, Ehlers LH, Bech M, Kjølby M, Lauritsen J. Medicinsk teknologivurdering af Det Interaktive Hospital (iHospital): MTV-rapport, Center for Folkesundhed, Århus. Center for Folkesundhed, Region Midtjylland, 2009. 113 s.
Ehlers LH. Medicinsk teknologivurdering som økonomistyringsværktøj i sygehusvæsenet. I Strategi & driftsøkonomi: Festskrift for Ole Ø. Madsen. Gyldendal. 2009
Hohwü L, Ehlers LH, Borre M, Venborg Pedersen K. Omkostningseffektivitet ved robot-assisteret laparoskopisk radikal prostatektomi versus åben radikal prostatektomi. 2009. Abstract fra Dansk Urologisk Selskabs Efterårsmøde, Kolding, Danmark.
Svendsen ML, Ehlers LH, Andersen G, Johnsen SP. Quality of care and length of hospitalstay among patients with stroke. Medical Care. 2009;47(5):575-582.
Hohwü L, Ehlers LH, Borre M, Pedersen KV. Robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy versus retropubic radical prostatectomy: a cost effectiveness study. 2009. Abstract fra EAU 25th Anniversary Congress, Barcelona, Spanien.
Hvas AM, Ehlers LH, Møller H. Screening af gravide indvandrere for hæmoglobinopati: en medicinsk teknologivurdering. København: Sundhedsstyrelsen, 2009. 63 s. (Medicinsk Teknologivurdering - puljeprojekter 2009; 9(3); Nr. 9).
Hvas AM, Ehlers LH, Mortensen BB, Møller HJ. Screening for hemoglobinopathies among pregnant immigrants in Denmark: A health technology assessment. 2009. Poster præsenteret ved HTA Singapore: Home Team Convention 2009, Suntec, Singapore.

Hvas A-M, Ehlers L, Mortensen BB, Møller HJ. Screening for hemoglobinopathies among pregnant immigrants in Denmark - a health technology assessment. 2009. Poster præsenteret ved Health Technology Assessment Singapore.
Ehlers LH, Kjølby M, Christensen S, Bech M, Overvad K, Sørensen J. The Danish health economic modelling study on AAA screening is not flawed. BMJ. British Medical Journal (International Ed.). 2009.
Sølling C, Johnsen SP, Ehlers L, Østergaard L, Andersen G. Upgraded acute stroke care including thrombolysis is associated with reduced length of hospital stay among non-stroke patients. Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2009;27(1):60-66.
Løvschall C, Ehlers LH. Variation i behandling af carotisstenose i Danmark: En organisatorisk analyse. 2009. Abstract fra Folkesundhedsdage 2009, Nyborg, Danmark.

Løvschall C, Vestergaard K, Sillesen H, Ehlers LH. Variation i tidsforløb hos patienter opereret for carotisstenose i Danmark. MTV og Sundhedstjenesteforskning, 2009. 82 s.


Christensen S, Ehlers L. Cost-analysis of surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysm. 2008. Poster præsenteret ved HTA for Evidence-based Public Health, Barcelona, 17-20.juni.

Christensen P, Andreasen J, Ehlers L. Cost-effectiveness of transanal irrigation versus conservative bowel management for spinal cord injury patients. 2008. Poster præsenteret ved Eupean Society of Coloproctology. Nantes.
Væggemose UT, Ehlers L. Effekter af et nyt socialpsykiatrisk tilbud. 2008. Abstract fra Regionalt Sundhedssamarbejde & Center for Folkesundhed, 5. årlige konference, 6.juni 2008.

Aagaard J, Ehlers L. Effekter af udbygningen af lokalt baseret psykiatri. Et sundhedstjenesteforskningsprojekt. 2008.
Kjølby M, Ehlers L, Bech M, Jensen LG, Løvschall C. Health technology assessment of population screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm. European Journal of Public Health. 2008;18(1):123.
Væggemose UT, Folke F, Ehlers L, Jensen LG, Kjølby M. Hjertestart i Danmark - status og udviklingsmuligheder i et MTV-perspektiv. 2008. 93 s.
Jensen C, Thorsteinsson E, Ehlers L, Jensen OK, Christiansen D, Nielsen CV. Hospitalsbaseret rehabilitering af sygemeldte. Et års opfølgning. Region Midtjylland, Århus: Center for Folkesundhed, 2008. 54s.
Ehlers L, Sørensen J, Jensen LG, Bech M, Kjølby M. Is population screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm cost-effective? BMC Cardiovascular Disorders. 2008;8(32).
Ehlers L. Karkirurger misforstår MTV. Dagens Medicin. 2008.

Bennetsen MB, Ehlers L, Overvad K, Groth Jensen L, Løvschall C, Andersen S o.a. Medicinsk teknologivurdering af screening for abdominalt aortaaneurisme. MTV og Sundhedstjenesteforskning, 2008. 130 s.
Kjølby M, Ehlers L. Midtvejsevaluering i MTV-ramme: Sundhedscenter Århus. MidtLiv. 2008;(2):28-29.
Glavind A, Ehlers L. Mini-MTV'er strømmer til ny national database. MidtNyt. 2008;(13):3-4.
Ehlers L, Kjølby M. Mini-MTV som ledelses- og beslutningsstøtteværktøj i sundhedscentrene. MidtLiv. 2008;(2):24-27.
Ehlers L, Müskens WM, Jensen LG, Kjølby M, Andersen G. National use of thrombolysis with alteplase for acute ischaemic stroke via telemedicine in Denmark: a model of budgetary impact and cost effectiveness. CNS Drugs. 2008;22(1):73-81.
Ehlers L. Organisational barriers for intravenous thrombolysis with alteplase within a 3-hour window after acute ischemic stroke. 2008. Poster præsenteret ved HTA for Eviden-based Public Health, Barcelona 17-20.juni.
Svendsen ML, Ehlers L, Andersen G, Johnsen SP. Quality of Care and Length of Hospital Stay among Patients with Stroke. Meditsinskaya Pomoshch. 2008.

Bech M, Ehlers L. Reflektioner over MTV som en klemt brobygger mellem forskning, praksis og det politisk/administrative niveau i kampen for at skabe input til beslutningstagning. 2008. Abstract fra Regionalt Sundhedssamarbejde & Center for Folkesundhed, 5. årlige konference, 6. juni 2008.
Ehlers L. Skal vi screene for abdominalt aortaaneurisme? Dagens Medicin. 2008.
Ehlers L. Spinal Cord Health Economics. 2008. Abstract fra International symposium on Spinal Cord Injury - Standards & Datasets.
bech M, Løvschall C, Ehlers L. Variation i behandling af carotisstenose i Danmark - en organisatorisk analyse. 2008. Abstract fra 14. møde i dansk forum for sundhedstjenesteforskning.

Jensen LG, Væggemose UT, Ehlers L, Hansen LV, Folke F. Teaching first aid in Danish primary schools. European Journal of Public Health. 2008;18(1).
Ehlers L. The missing public health perspective in health economics. 2008. Abstract fra Regionalt Sundhedssamarbejde & Center for Folkesundhed, 5. årlige konference, 6.juni 2008.
Ehlers L, Bech M, Kjølby M. The missing public health perspective in health economics. European Journal of Public Health. 2008;18(1).


Ehlers L, Andersen G, Clausen LB, Bennetsen MB, Kjølby M. Cost-effectiveness of intravenous thrombolysis with alteplase within a 3-hour window after acute ischemic stroke. Stroke. 2006;38(1):85-89.
Reichstein, T, Dahl, MS, Ebersberger, B & Jensen, MB 2006, The devil dwells in the tails: A quantile regression approach to firm growth. DRUID Working Paper Series, nr. No. 06-34, Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics, Aalborg.
Ehlers L, Vestergaard M, Kidholm K, Bonnevie B, Pedersen PH, Jørgensen T o.a. Doing mini-health technology assessments in hospitals: A new concept of decision support in health care? International Journal of Technology Assesment in Health Care. 2006;22(3):295-301.
Ehlers L, Svarer M, Løvschall C. En sundhedsøkonomisk analyse af antallet af røntgenundersøgelser af lænderygen hos 20-49 årige henvist fra primærsektoren. Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift. 2006;362-376.
Bonnevie B, Kidholm K, Ehlers L, Pedersen P. Kortlægning af sygehusvæsenets erfaringer med beslutningsstøtteredskaber. 2006.
Ehlers L. Mini-MTV i sygehusvæsenet. Tidsskrift for Dansk Sundhedsvaesen. 2006;82(6):221-224.
Ehlers L. Mini-MTV som ledelses- og beslutningsstøtteværktøj i sygehusvæsenet. I Børsens Ledelseshåndbøger: Offentlig Økonomistyring. Bind 4.3. København: Børsen. 2006
Ehlers L, Vestergaard M, Kidholm K, Bonnevie B, Pedersen P, Jørgensen T o.a. Notat om udarbejdelsen af CEMTV's mini-MTV., 2006.
Ehlers L, Kjølby M. Ny sundhedsøkonomisk analyse anvender bedste evidensgrundlag. Dagens Medicin. 2006.
Ehlers L, Svarer M, Løvschall C. Økonomi. I Røntgenundersøgelse af lænderyggen hos 20-49 årige henvist fra primærsekoren - en medicinsk teknologivurdering. København: National Board of Health. 2006. s. 47-52 

Ehlers L. Økonomiske konsekvenser ved indførelse af trombolysebehandling i Danmark. Århus: Århus Amt, 2006. 65 s.


Jørgensen T, Jensen MF, Ehlers L. Anvendelser af og erfraringer med mini- og hurtig-MTV som beslutningsgrundlag i udenlandske sygehusvæsener.,2005.2005.
Bukh PN, Ehlers L. Businesscasen som beslutningsstøtte. Erfaringer fra erhvervslivet.,2005.2005.
Jensen, MB & Reichstein, T 2005, 'Firm size and firm growth rate distributions: The case of Denmark', Industrial and Corporate Change, bind 14, nr. 6, s. 1145-1166.
Christensen, JL, Dalum, B, Jensen, MB & Poulsen, CS 2005, Nordjysk konjunkturbarometer. Syddansk Universitet, s. 261-287, Symposium i Anvendt Statistik, Odense, Danmark, 24/01/2005.
Jørgensen T, Fabricius M, Ehlers L. HTA as local decision support: an international survey. 2005. Poster præsenteret ved Bringing HTA into practice, Rom 20-22 juni, 2005.
Vestergaard M, Kristensen FB, Ehlers L. Integrating local decision support into the Danish HTA strategy - the missing link?. 2005. Poster præsenteret ved Bringing HTA into practice, Rom 20-22 juni, 2005.
Ehlers LH, Projektgruppe. Introduction to mini-HTA - a management and decision support tool for the hospital service. 12.12.2005 udg. Sundhedsstyrelsen, 2005. 38 s.
Bech M, Ehlers L, Andersen G, Boch V, Clausen L, Kjølby M. Medicinsk teknologivurdering af trombolysebehandling af apopleksipatienter. Århus Universitetshospital, 2005.
Bonnevie B, Kidholm K, Ehlers L. Survey of the use of decision support tools in Danish public hospitals. 2005. Poster præsenteret ved Bringing HTA into practice, Rom 20-22 juni, 2005.
Ehlers L, Vestergaard M. The development of a decision support tool (mini-HTA). 2005. Poster præsenteret ved Bringing HTA into practice, Rom 20-22 juni, 2005.


Kjølby M, Ehlers LH, Sørensen LH, Kidholm K. Perkutan vertebroplastik. En Medicinsk Teknologivurdering. Smertebehandling af osteoporotiske knoglebrud i ryghvirvler. MTV-rapport, Sundhedsstyrelsen. 2004.
Hjortdal JØ, Ehlers N, Møller-Pedersen T, Ehlers LH, Kjellberg J. Refraktionskirurgi – en medicinsk teknologivurdering. 1.0 udg. København: Sundhedsstyrelsen, 2004. (Medicinsk Teknologivurdering; Nr.2, Bind 4).
Jensen, MB, Johnson, BH, Lorenz, E & Lundvall, B-Å 2004, 'Absorptive capacity, forms of knowledge and economic development', Paper fremlagt ved 2nd Globelics Internatinal Conference: Innovation Systems and Development: Emerging Opportunities and Challenges, Beijing, Kina, 16/10/2004 - 20/10/2004.
Jensen, MB, Johnson, BH, Lorenz, E & Lundvall, B-Å 2004, 'Codification and modes of innovation', Paper fremlagt ved DRUID Summer Conference 2004 on Industrial Dynamics, Innovation and Development, Helsingør, Danmark, 14/06/2004 - 16/06/2004.
Christensen, JL, Jensen, MB, Lundvall, B-Å & Nielsen, P 2004, Udkantsområder, innovationsmåder og produktfornyelse: Et empirisk baseret bidrag til en helhedsorienteret innovatinsstrategi. Storstrøms Amt.


Jensen, MB & Reichstein, T 2003, Analyzing the distributions of the stochatic firm growth approach. DRUID Working Paper, nr. 12, Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics, Aalborg.
Jensen, MB & Vinding, AL 2003, 'The application of latent class analysis on HRM practices', Paper fremlagt ved DRUID Summer Conference, København, Danmark, 12/06/2003 - 14/06/2003.
Jensen, MB & Vinding, AL 2003 'The application of latent class analysis on the measurement of Human Resource Management practices'.